Back In The Day! Some MPi History


One of our earliest whole project recruitment jobs was awarded to us by the specialist underground contract mining company, Byrnecut. This certainly cuts costs and sometimes gives an operation the best chance of survival, as well as giving the best chance of survival to all the staff who DO remain on board.

Back in the early to mid 90’s they were awarded the job to develop the new Kapok Decline to access a Lead/Zinc ore body on the Lennard Shelf, in the Kimberley region of Western Australia near Fitzroy Crossing.

Byrnecut started the job with an innovative approach, using a road header (sort of like a coal face cutting machine) to drive the decline. We supported them through the early scale up phase and processed thousands of applications over a period of several months.

Suffice to say computing systems back then weren’t what they are today and our process required allocating paper letters and cv’s into several piles from “no”, ‘maybe’, ‘yes’, across 12 different disciplines and alphabetically, all manually.

There was an awful lot of sticky labels and cardboard boxes involved…. A far cry from the cloud hosted, super secure candidate/client relationship management and on-line timesheet systems we run with today. 

Thanks Byrnecut and their end client Western Metals with whom we also developed a successful five year partnership, from which many relationships endure today.