Facts and Stats

Top Tips post it note

Gen Y Aussies - travel as far as the resume reaches

STA travel recently conducted an interesting survey.  It found that as well as the now common  gap year between high school and university, many other younger people were having their own version of a gap between finishing university and starting work (25%) with a further 40% hoping to take a full gap year at some stage during their career.

Australia’s younger workers see travel as an essential part of developing confidence and innovation by getting them in touch with the global economy and culture.

Accountants - fleeing Australia

Research from the ABS showed that 1370 accountants left Australia permanently during the year to September 2006. Amazingly this compared to 454 in 2005 and 153 in 2004!

As well as the traditional destinations of the UK and US, the Middle East has become a popular destination for finance professionals.

Source: As reported in Recruitment Extra January 2007   

What graduates want

A two year study conducted on 700 Australian university leavers by Onetest revealed some interesting trends. Most importantly:

  1. Align your story with the reality: If a graduate’s experience of your organisation is not consistent with their expectation, they will often make very fast decisions to leave.

  2.  If their needs and desires ARE met from the outset and throughout their graduate program, they will stay five years or more. This compares very favourably to the tenure trend of most employees which is currently two years.

  3.  If a graduates needs were met, 39% indicated that they would stay with a company for between three and five years. 30% said they would stay five years or more.

Source: As reported in HR Monthly January 2007